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October 4, 2022Does Fabric Sofa Attract More Bugs & Pests?
Does Fabric Sofa Attract More Bugs & Pests? Many people are concerned about whether or not fabric sofas attract bugs. The short answer is yes, but there are different fabric types, and each type attracts different kinds of bugs and pests.
The first step to fighting any pest, be it a roach or a hornet, is prevention. If you remove potential hiding spots for pests like wood piles in the yard and garbage outside, then you’re already ahead of the game in your fight against these creepy-crawly creatures. Also, keep your outdoor furniture covered with insect screening that can decrease the attractiveness of the furniture to bugs like mosquitos.
Read on – Does Fabric Sofa Attract More Bugs & Pests?
Table of Contents
Sofa cleaning tips
When cleaning a fabric sofa, there are many factors to consider because fabric attracts dirt and insects.
1. Vacuum regularly
Vacuuming the sofa at least once a week is a good idea. Pay special attention to the seams, as bugs and cockroaches like to hide in these areas. If cat or dog hairs are on the sofa, you can vacuum them off with your hand vacuum; this will prevent most of them from sticking around and attracting fleas. It would help if you also vacuumed underneath your sofa cushions. Make sure you clean the wheels of your vacuum, as they can attract annoying dust mites.
2. Use borax to kill bugs
Borax will get rid of bugs and the odor they leave behind. Place borax powder in all the corners of your couch. The powder will eliminate giant insects, which are best removed by hand. Repeat this process once a week for at least a month to take care of any new bugs. This is also an effective way to remove odors from pets and food stains.
3. Steam clean your sofa regularly
If you have a steam cleaner, you can use it on your sofa cushions at least every few weeks, if not more often, depending on how dirty they are. If you don’t have a steam cleaner, you can use the upholstery attachment on your vacuum to eliminate stains and built-up dirt. If you live in an area that gets a lot of rain, you will want to steam clean more frequently to prevent mildew from forming.
4. Wash the cushion covers and foam
If you have stains on the fabric or have not cleaned your sofa in a long time, take off the cushions and wash them with gentle soap. Make sure you get all of the dirt out of the upholstery seams. You can also put all your foam in your washer and wash it with a mild detergent. Let it air dry, then put it back into your couch cushions.
5. Move your sofa or vacuum without the cushions
If you want to clean some of the fabric but not take it off, which is best done with help from a friend, put some newspaper down and then vacuum. It’s best to do this when no one is home, as the vibration will set off your security system or burglar alarm. You can also place some duct tape over the seam on your sofa to keep the bugs out. This is a good trick for renters who leave their pillows and duvet on all year.
Maintaining fabric sofa
If you’ve experienced a bug infestation on your sofa, you should not use the fabric to cover something that can be easily damaged. Bugs will find their way back into the fabric if you do so. Instead, use a throw cushion or a wooden box. Also, don’t let your sofa stay in one place for too long. Move it once in a while so it doesn’t become a colony for bugs and pests.
Here are tips for maintaining a fabric sofa
1. Wash pillow covers and other cushions regularly
You can maintain your sofa’s freshness by washing the cushion covers and other cushions with your regular laundry. This will also keep out unwanted guests like bugs, fleas, and mites that may be hiding underneath.
So whenever you feel that your sofas are getting dirty, do this to restore their old look. If there is any stubborn stain on the fabric, use a mild detergent to clean them up. Also, check the zippers of your sofas as they may harbor dust and mites if not checked properly.
2. Wash your sofas regularly
If you want to keep your sofas attractive, but you will be away from home for an extended period, wash the cushions and other upholstery parts of your sofas once every two weeks. Remember that if you are a regular traveler, you may need to wash your sofa every two weeks. This will ensure that it remains fresh and free from any unwanted guests. Also, ensure that all the seams are clean before moving the sofa to another place.
3. Use a vacuum cleaner to clean the upholstery
If you want to get rid of any unwanted guests, it is essential to clean your sofas by using a vacuum cleaner. If there are any stubborn stains or dirt on the upholstery of your sofa, then you can use a mild detergent to remove them. Just ensure you do not use too much of it as this may damage some parts. Also, ensure that you do not put too much pressure on the areas where the sofas lean towards each other, as this may damage them.
4. Use an enzyme cleaner
Using an enzyme cleaner can clean upholstery, which is safe and effective. You can find a few brands designed to kill unwanted guests. They are also designed to help clean the upholstery thoroughly and ensure that nothing stays in your sofa cushions. This will ensure that your couch remains free from germs in the long run.
5. professional sofa cleaning
If you have a problem with your sofa, it is best to get a professional cleaning service. Some of the best methods of cleaning your sofas are using a steam cleaner and professional cleaning using a vacuum.
Types of bugs and pests on sofa
Several bugs, pests, and insects like to hide in your sofas. These include roaches, fleas, ticks, mites, and bed bugs. Also, you can find different species of lice in your sofas, but they will not cause trouble unless you sleep on them. All these bugs need food and water to survive; with the proper cleaning and maintenance, you can prevent any of them from infesting your sofa.
Does Fabric Sofa Attract More Bugs & Pests? – Conclusion
It is always better to take proper care of your sofas from day one. You can store your cushions in a protective cover instead of leaving them on the couch when not in use. Suspend your bed bug screen or old screen to keep them out.
You can make your bug spray with vinegar and water. Use this spray to dust the inside of the springs and all other areas with hard-to-reach crevices. Dust mites are what cause bad allergies, so this will prevent them from forming inside of your sofa.