Best Way To Control Termites
Have you ever heard of the notorious pests called’ termites’. Termites are tiny white ants who are capable of destroying the very foundation and character of your house in just a few short years. Although termites usually attack wood, they can also damage other items in your house such as rubber piping or reading materials. The worst part about these pesky little fellows is that they act so silently that you totally remain clueless about the amount of damage done in your home. Since damages caused by these creatures can cost you billions of dollars, taking immediate action to prevent further damage is highly recommended.
Get Professional Help
One of the best ways to get rid of termite infestation in your house is to get professional help. Pest control professionals are specially trained to spot and identify termites and get rid of them within a few months in a quick and efficient way. The professionals know exactly what type of technique and treatment would be required to get those pests out of your house completely. The exterminators are used to dealing with an infestation.
As a result, they can not only handle any kind of termite infestation, but can reach the most unsuspected areas to remove the termite infestation. In addition, since most involve pesticide that contain chemicals, taking the help of a certified professional ensures that the pesticides are used appropriately in your house. Moreover, since an intensive termite treatment may require special equipments such as drills or pumps, or employ a combination of different treatments (spray, liquid, bait), taking the help of an experienced and knowledgeable professional can help control the termites completely. Taking the help of a pest professional will also help identify the queen of the colony and remove her from the nest. This will not only help get rid of the termite infestation totally, but will also prevent further infestation.
Types of Termite Treatment
Basically, there are two methods of treating termites- using termite baits or liquid pesticides.
One of the most common method of treating termites is baiting. Made of a round plastic container, baits are filled with the favorite food of the termites (wood, paper) combined with chemicals that are lethal to the termites. These baits are placed underneath the foundation of the house to attract termites. The chemicals included get attached to the body gradually get transferred to to other termites, it eliminates even those termites who never fed on the bait. However, it is important to note that termites have no natural defenses and may leave the area they have feeding. To achieve success while using the baiting treatment, it is essential that you leave the treated area undisturbed.
Termite baits are an effective method of treatment for eliminating termite infestation. This type of treatment can be used solely or in combination with liquid soil treatment to help control the termite colonies. A great benefit of using the bait system is that it can be used to treat those areas where liquid termiticides cannot be used, such as near water sources.
Additionally, since the bait system uses a lesser amount of insecticides when compared to other types of termite treatment, this treatment is a great option for homeowners looking for an eco – friendly termite treatment. Termite baits are one of the easiest methods for treating termites when compared to applying liquid soil treatment around your house. It is important for homeowners to keep in mind that though baiting method is inexpensive initially, they do tend to cost more in the long run. This is because they need to be maintained to keep them working in a more efficient way.
Liquid pesticide or termite pesticide is usually injected into the soil or ground along or underneath your house. Liquid pesticides are available in two forms- repellents and non repellents. When using this method of treatment, the liquid is transferred into the soil, below and inside the soil foundation by using special rods. As a result, a chemical wall is created between the building and soil that prevents the white ants from reaching the foundation of your house. Termites entering the soil come in contact with the liquid repellent and unknowingly carry it back to their colony. The insecticide is then shared with other termites through activities like eating and grooming and begins building up in the gut of these pests, causing them to perish eventually.
Liquid pesticides are one of the most effective treatments for controlling termites. Using this treatment not only prevents the termites from spreading through the entire colony, but also helps kill termites within six to eight weeks. Another great benefit of using liquid repellents to get rid of termites is that this type of barrier system lasts for about 10- 12 years and helps eliminate termites in a cost- effective way.
However, it should be known that there is no method that can be termed as the best termite treatment’. While both repellents and non repellent liquid pesticides are including new chemicals for an effective termite treatment, baits can also be used to decline the termite population in an effective way. Ideally, combining different treatments would be an ideal solution to help get rid of termites in an effective way.
A home is not only an investment, but also a place that provides emotional security to its residents. The fact that termites can silently ruin your place, taking preventive measures immediately can play a crucial role in safeguarding your space. Early detection of termite can help prevent any damage to your property. It is therefore recommended that you take the help and advice of a professional as soon as possible.
The preventive measures coupled with the regular inspections done by a termite exterminator help prevent the entry of these dangerous little creatures in your home and life. However, if you are uncertain about the type of treatment method to use or do not know about which pest pest control professional to hire, it is recommended that you take the help of the National Environment Agency (NEA) for more guidelines and details.