Choosing a Reliable Pest Management Company in Singapore
November 13, 2019Advantages of Professional Pest Control vs DIY Pest Control
Many Singaporeans are facing the stress of economy downturn. Hence, many Singaporeans will choose to DIY many stuffs rather than hiring a professional. For instance, Pest Control. DIY pest controls have many methods ranging from non-chemical to eco-friendly i.e. self-made insecticides, pest eater plants etc. Although that many DIY methods that you can use at home, however, the main questions you still have to ask yourself is whether all these DIY methods are workable and effective than calling the pest control professional.
In this article, we shall look at the advantages and disadvantages both DIY or Professional pest control.
Ideally, professional pest control agency will be able to settle your pest problems better than you. As they are well trained and experienced in eliminating those persistent pest in an effective and fast methods. Furthermore, you may tend to save more if you engage their professional services in a long run rather than you DIY your pest control yourself. The reason is simple that DIY pest controlling may or may not settle your problems well or is for short term pest controlling, which will result you in spending more investment on domestic pest control products. Here are some indictors that you may consider when you are getting a professional pest control services:
1. Always hire a pest control agency that have experienced and well-trained staffs. Ideally, your need an experienced professional who is able to identify the pest problems and able to handle the infestation fast and swift.
2. You should hire a pest control agency that are insured and licensed. If in doubt, you always can approach to NEA website to get a list of approve pest control agencies to settle your pests’ problems. They would need to be licensed and insured to use for certain pest control insecticides.
3. Although you are engaging a professional pest control, it is always important to know how much the cost before you take up their services. Hence, always look for a company that offers free quotations via phone or online.
4. Professional pest control agency would usually provide warranty or money back guarantees if they do not provide a good service or not able to eliminate your pest issue efficiently. Remember to check on your service policies they offer to your contract.
5. Not all pest control agency are able to handle all kind of pests. Thus, always find out properly if your pest control agency does offer the right pest treatment to your pest problems.
In contrary, DIY pest controlling have their beneficial if the pest infestation is not huge. In such situation, you are able to your DIY pest controlling and save your money to engage a professional. With the modern technology, many domestic pest control insecticides have improved a lot and can settle your pest infestation efficiently. However, always do note that those products may be efficient but not as efficient as those pest control agency used for their pest controlling.
To conclude, always identify if your pest infestation is in a controllable situation before deciding for a DIY or professional pest controlling. Ideally, seeking help from a professional pest control is always better as you would have a peace of mind that you are not sleeping with those pests.